How to Play:
Movement: Left & Right Arrow keys or A & D
Jump: Up key or W
Interact: Also the Up key or W
Equipment (if any): X

Recommendation: Seek out the flashing exclamation points and interact with them to unlock flavour text for the story and trade witty banter with aliens!

The full soundtrack is here:

Based on the twitter-famous cartoon power couple created by Keith Stack (@keithjohnstack) - who, at the time of writing, has no idea I'm even making this surprise work of fan-art - this game started as a simpler, musicless platformer made during a low-key game jam for Pocket Platformer game creators. The theme was "space".

Those familiar with Pocket Platformer may notice that L&BGR makes use of a few modifications that aren't included in the game-making tool itself (yet). These mods are experimental and while seemingly robust MAY result in bugs due to experimental hacking of the output HTML file by someone with next to no knowledge of the scripting language it's even in. I think it might be Javascript? Anyway if you spot any problems, please report them in the comments below so that they can be addressed as soon as possible.

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(10 total ratings)
Tags2D, Aliens, Comedy, Female Protagonist, Lesbian, Pixel Art, Sci-fi, Space, Story Rich


readme.txt 9.8 kB


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wow this really surprised me what a wonderful game

(1 edit)

I loved it! Also the design is amazing! and the Illustrations are wholesome!!!! ty for the game experience <3


tY for playing, and for sharing your thoughts about it!


Wow this game surpassed my expectations coming into it! The music was catchy, the platforming was well-designed, and I hopefully got all the exclamation marks!

Really nice game! The dialogue made my day :D

Thanks! Sounds like you got enough of the exclamation marks to have a good time, which is really how I hoped the game would be played. \o/


Fun design and really, really entertaining text. Well-written and well-implemented! :D Thanks for a fun time and for the laughs!


Thank you! I was constantly adding flavour text whenever some new idea came to mind, even during final bug fixes. There's always room for a new joke or two...


Damn only got 31 of 40 of the collectibles :-(

(1 edit)

Here's a hint: All the collectibles EXCEPT ONE can be seen from regular, non-secret areas in the levels. The hidden one is in the second part of the two sewer levels, as a reward for discovering something else in a hidden area...

I jsut seriously hope that the hidden stuff isnt outside "the safety of Hova" sicne getting over those spikes is hard enough (maybe like every 5th try or so works.
but getting up on those ledges, I jsut cant do it :-(

controls written above dont seem to be write, for me the C button does jumping as the only button on the keyboard (qwertz keyboard).
no idea yet how I can take that jumping pod or how to use it yet

nevermind, up arrow and c do jumping+interact :-)


Great game and awesome tribute to Leslie and Brianne! Also, that soundtrack truly kicks ass!

Thank you so much! I've put the tracks on Soundcloud so you don't have to play the game just to listen to them:


amazing game :) such a huge adventure


Couldn't've done it without you (obviously)!